I took these this morning right after I got home from Boot Camp. We did nothing but cardio today and I look like a sweaty lobster. Those jump squats and mountain climbers are going to kill me...
This is not a vanity blog. It's a place to keep me humble and on track. It's a place for me to someday see how far I've come and how much weight I've lost. It's a place to help me when I want that cookie or want to say fuck it all. To put it all out there flappin in the breeze...I'm 4'11" I weigh 205 pounds. For my height I should be about 100 pounds. I am obese. There. I've said it out loud. The junk in this trunk is not healthy and it's time to make a change. Understand that I love myself. I'm beautiful and sexy as hell. I want to lose this weight for health reasons. I'm overweight and I'm not healthy. One of the beautiful side effects of Ritalin is appetite suppression. Having caught sight of myself in the mirror today after a shower I noticed a change in my body. I really liked the unintentional weight loss and changes I saw and realized that it's time to get serious about taking this fat off my bones and joints. Starting now December 7th, 2008. I have 100 pounds to lose and I'm going to take two pictures of myself every day and post it here. Be kind and objective when you view these. Remember I'm a work in progress and I'm vulnerable...
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