Sunday, April 3, 2011


I guess I'm more exhausted than I think because I slept till 11am this morning! Why my children allowed this is completely beyond me but they did and I'm thankful for it.

Today is Sunday and so no Boot Camp. We leave for Disney World on Wednesday to celebrate my husband's 40th birthday. It's a family affair this time with myself, my husband, our two little boys, my father in law and my husband's two best pals.

A full 7 days away from Boot Camp and away from exercise means I'll come home well rested but a little out of tune.  It means  I'm going to have to work extra hard to get back again to where I am now. Where I've busted my ass to get to.

I could pretend that I'll be good and hit the gym while I'm away but I know that I won't do it. The closest I'll be getting to the gym is a massage at the spa which shares space with the gym. Of course Disney World is not a relaxing vacation. We do LOTS of walking, at least 15 miles each day.

I've made peace with the fact that I'll be eating in a relatively unhealthy fashion, eating richer foods, more desserts, more snacks than I do on a daily basis.

I've also promised myself than when I get home to get right back into it. We get home on Wednesday and I'm going to try to get to a class at Boot Camp on Wednesday night.  Allow no more time than is necessary to go by before getting back to my beloved kettlebells.

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