Monday, November 7, 2011

and she's off....

So in a weird "everthing happens for a reason" moment I went to the Post offices today (again, that's the NY Post, not the Post Office) to get my book, get weighed and measured and have my "before" photos taken.

The book I got?

This book wasn't picked for me. It's one of the books the publisher sent to the newspaper. Perfect right?
I've only had a chance to read the introduction (Author is VERY proud of himself and tells us more than a few of his accomplishements in the first couple of pages - ICK. This does nothing but make me think you are an asshole.)

I read this paragraph and I'm curious to see where this book is going to try to take my exercise routine.
Click on photo to enlarge

I did Boot Camp this morning with my new found " I can & I will" motto. Class still kicked my ass.
I had David take video of it so I can truly see my progress over the next 6 weeks.

I should also add that I am by no means going to cut all this off at the end of 6 weeks. These changes I'm making I hope to make for life. This 6 weeks is just my jump start.

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